I'm Shelby - I love encouraging moms to live fruitfully and intentionally.
I hope my little digital home leaves you feeling encouraged to live your life with purpose in what the Lord has blessed you with – whether it be motherhood, marriage, extending & living in His grace!
If you told me I would want to homestead someday - I would have laughed!
No really - I would have laughed hysterically. It wasn't until recently the Lord put it on our hearts to seek a place where we could rest and grow together as a family. We might not get this journey right every step of the way, and we might be learning as we go, but we will do it together. The Lord ever so graciously blessed our family with a 2 acre sweet homestead that we are currently learning & growing with!
random things

My husband and I both knew we were getting married on our first date.
Go big or go home
I always order a large drink when I go places and it never fails – I only drink a quarter of it. But my husband knows not to dare bring home a small.
Even though I always wanted to be a mom and pictured it for my life – my pride got in the way early on in motherhood. That’s why I’m so passionate about being humbled in motherhood to really see the joy & sanctifying work that lies within it.

The quiz
a pack of gum, chapstick & a baby holding my hand
taking the kids to the mountains in Idaho and escaping for 10 whole days with no technology - just nature!
worship, a sermon or a podcast
latte with oat milk and 1 pump hazelnut
bread or pastries
enjoy the moments in front of me & not rushing to the next